Providing enrichment & recreational programs for the Plymouth & Canton community... and beyond. Winter & Spring 2025Registration is now open!Check back often, classes being added daily! Youth Programs Weekly recreational enrichment and athletic programs for grades Pre-K through 12th Adult Programs Recreational enrichment, fitness & wellness programs 2025-26 Registration Coming in March Email with any program questions. Summer Registration Coming Soon Email with any questions. Coming Soon: Handy course chart!Click the image to open the linked chart CONNECT WITH US Plymouth-Canton Community Schools COMMUNITY EDUCATION1024 S. MILL STREET, PLYMOUTH, MI 48170734-416-2937 • COMMUNITY.ED@PCCSK12.COMFor up-to-date information for Comm Ed please follow our social media pages: PLEASE VISIT THE FAQ PAGE TO REVIEW OUR CURRENT POLICIESRead More PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Learn. Prepare. Thrive. P-CCS MAIN SITE » » Interested in offering a class with Community Ed? « « Please submit a proposal by clicking link:Proposal form (Winter/Spring 2025)